Spotlight On: Bullfighting 10A

"Barcelona stages last bullfight before ban"


Read the following article on the bullfighting ban and then decide...

What is your opinion on bullfighting? 

Do you think it has cultural value and Barcelona should allow it? 


Do you think that it should be banned?

  • Choose a side and back it up with thoughtful reasoning.
  • Your comment is due by Friday, October 7th at 7:30AM


  1. I think that banning bull fights in Catalan is a good idea. For one it is very dangerous and people whom are not experienced could really hurt themselves. Two Bull fighting is also a very animal torturous thing. For one right after they kill the bull which is cruel the animal never did anything.But on the other hand we have no right tto judge what other people do because even before these people generations have been doing that so you cant really say yes or no

  2. I believe that bullfighting should be banned. For one thing, I find bullfighting to be a form of animal abuse. Bulls are forced to participate in this ridiculous game, only for people's entertainment. Also, people can be severely injured. And although it is their choice whether they want to participate in this sport or not, I think it's very foolish. Why intentionally put yourself in harm's way? You can always find something more practical and safe to engage yourself in. So, yes I do believe that bullfighting should be banned, and not only in Barcelona.

  3. I think that they should ban bullfighting because it only encourages more violence and that's the last thing we need. If children see bullfighting then that's what they're going to keep seeing and then mimic it which can injure them. Not only can it injure people, it also injures the bulls. The Animal Rights Activists are right to ban bullfighting. Bullfighting can injure both the matadors and the bulls. And if children mimics it, it can also injure them.

  4. I think that it should be banned. I understand that bullfighting has always been portrayed as an act of courage for the matadors, but killing and torturing a bull while everyone laughs and cheers is, in my opinion, very cruel. You are taking a life of an animal who actually wasn't hurting anyone. Spain is a beautiful country and bullfighting has always been one of its legacies, but is this kind of cruelty something that Spaniards want to be remembered for? I believe that banning bullfighting may anger most of the civilians, but the animals have a right to live too. I know that Barcelona can get through the transition and will be able to find another favorite pastime that the whole country will enjoy just as much as bullfighting.

  5. I strongly disagree with the sport, or public activity, bull fighting viewed by many. There is no excuse whatsoever an animal is still being murdered despite the good intent of doing such. For instance, it's like killing a person and saying "well, we killed he/she because we needed a good kidney to use on an ill patient". I would consider this cruel and careless. Honestly, to me its just not sane and anyone participating in this event isn't either. To conclude, It shouldn't be allowed and i would suggest they ban it.

  6. Despite the fact that bullfighting has been a centuries old tradition, I think that it should be banned. Just like how my parents always told me when I was young, "don't play with your food," I think that they shouldn't just play around with the bull like that. The people sticks in a wooden stick to the bull, and tries to tire out the bull. I think that that is animal cruelty, and that it was right to be banned.

  7. Although Barcelona already banned Bullfighting, I personally think that there are reasons why Barcelona should and should not ban Bullfighting. To begin with, I think Barcelona should prohibit Bullfighting because it is animal abuse when they torture the Bulls before killing it. For instance, in the first part of the Bullfight, they try to make the Bulls tired. Then, they start to stab them in a very painful way. On the other hand, I think the good part of the bullfight would be the end because they feed the bull to the poor people that don’t have the money to eat. Overall, I think there are the pros and cons to Bullfighting in Barcelona and many other cities in Spain.

  8. I personally believe that bullfighting should be banned because that is animal abuse right there. I understand that the animal is later donated to the poor but that shouldn't be an excuse for why it shouldn't be off limits. These matadors are hurting this bulls to the extreme. Animals hurt as much as humans do. I find it sick how some people can buy tickets and sit and watch someone kill an animal AND be happy by it. Also, bullfighting is putting risks in the lives of the matadors too. If you are not intelligent in the sport then you won't be able to survive a minute in the arena. I alone am pleased that they banned it in Barcelona.

  9. I think that Bullfighting should be banned. I think that it is animal abuse and it's not right. Even though the extra food gets donated to people who are poor, you are hurting an innocent animal that has done nothing. There are other ways to show your love for god, than hurting animals, even if that is you your belief. I understand it is a tradition, but i think they need to change this one.

  10. I do not believe that Bullfighting should be banned. Bullfighting has been a tradition sport for Spain over the years and the people there are crazy for it. If you draw that much attention and money for one event every Sunday, then you should keep doing it because you could do something useful with the money, like for the economy, etc. Bullfighting could be very useful to the poor because they give away the Bull's meat to a charity that can't afford foods, which is a good thing. So I do not think it should be banned.

  11. I DO NOT LIKE THE SPORT OF BULLFIGHTING! It is animal cruelty. Why would you like to watch or be a part of torturing a bull and then it eventually dies. What if someone were to play with you like that? First they tire you out, then they stick two swords in you that stay attached to you. Now you're bleeding and hurting and still tired but they are still messing with you. And finally they kill you. WHY would you do that? Even though it wouldn't be nice to kill something for no reason why couldn't you have just killed it? Instead you torture it. So yes, I agree with the ban and it should be banned everywhere. Somebody should stick a sword in all the people who like bullfighting then see if they still like it.

  12. I think that bullfighting is just a part of the Spanish culture and it shouldn't be banned because it's a sport that they enjoy. Although bullfighting is torturing the bull then killing it, the sport is still supporting those people who can't buy food and need to eat. If this sport was to be banned the Spanish culture will be ruined, then I think they will try to banned one of our American sports because they are violent and can kill people. For instance UFC fighting, boxing, and football are all dangerous sports that we play. That's how I feel about Bullfighting.

  13. I agree that bull-fighting should be banned. I think that because when you think about it, its not right to toture ANY animal in that way. Even though when they killed the bulls , they give it to the poor its still not right and they should have been banned it.

  14. I agree that bull-fighting should be banned. I think that because when you think about it, its not right to toture ANY animal in that way. Even though when they killed the bulls , they give it to the poor its still not right and they should have been banned it.

  15. I believe that bullfighting should be banned. Many lives have been placed on the line and it is dangerous to be as a matador. Even though it is part of the Spanish culture, helps the hungry, and shows the bravery of the matadors placing their lives on the line just to kill bulls for money, slaughtering a bull for fame and wealth is not the right way to achieve greatness. It is similar to the Romans and their arena games as two people fight one another to the death as the crowd cheers and laughs. That is pure cruelty their committing forcing them to fight against each other just to save their own lives. Bullfighting is abstruse yet understandable.

  16. I do not agree with bullfighting because they inhumanly torture an animal, however, the bull is afterward being put to good use and it is an old cultural tradition, therefore, I do not feel it is necessary to be banned.

  17. Bullfighting should definately be banned. It is putting bulls through too much pain. Bullfighting is definatley animal abuse. It is not right for humans to play a "sport" that involves killing of any organism. Everyone who supports bullfighting should really think about what they are putting the bulls through. You would not want anyone stabbing you in the back for their enjoyment. Not only it is bad for the bulls, but the matadors are risking their lives for a sport. I would never take the risk of enjoying a dangerous sport for a few hours but risking my entire life for it. Even though the bull becomes food for the less fortunate and it will eventually die, it is unneccessary for the bull to go to torture before dying. I believe Barcelona did the right thing banning bullfights because by banning bullfights in an area, there a re less bulls going through this kind of torture. LET'S BRING A STOP TO BULLFIGHTS!

  18. Bullfighting should definately be banned. It is putting bulls through too much pain. Bullfighting is definatley animal abuse. It is not right for humans to play a "sport" that involves killing of any organism. Everyone who supports bullfighting should really think about what they are putting the bulls through. You would not want anyone stabbing you in the back for their enjoyment. Not only it is bad for the bulls, but the matadors are risking their lives for a sport. I would never take the risk of enjoying a dangerous sport for a few hours but risking my entire life for it. Even though the bull becomes food for the less fortunate and it will eventually die, it is unneccessary for the bull to go to torture before dying. I believe Barcelona did the right thing banning bullfights because by banning bullfights in an area, there a re less bulls going through this kind of torture. LET'S BRING A STOP TO BULLFIGHTS!

  19. Bullfighting should be banned and I support my opinion 100%. I don't believe that any form of animal cruelty should be permitted, no matter what good cause the proceeds go towards. Althought the bull will die anyway in a slaughter house (which is another situation I strongly disagree with), the bull does not deserve to be taunted and tormented on it's way to death. Regardless of the tradition and history bull fighting has in these regions, it has to be ended eventually and now is the time. In previous years, animal activists may not have opened their eyes to how cruel this sport really is. Now that someone has finally realized, I believe it should be ended as soon as possible with no questions asked. I agree with the ban.

  20. I think that bullfighting should not be banned for many reasons. First reason is its a very good money source. If they keep breeding bulls and bulls are not an endangered species what is the problem. Also if that's what the people over there like they should keep it. Also when the bull dies they donate the meat that is very good for the homeless people.
